Municipal Webinar: Resilient Communities Model Process

Watch our Municipal Webinar focused on guidance for coastal municipalities.
The University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography’s Coastal Resource Center and Rhode Island Sea Grant hosted a Municipal Webinar on July 29th at 10am focused on guidance for coastal municipalities on incorporating Natural Hazards and Climate Change into local comprehensive plans. Presenters from the University of Rhode Island’s Coastal Resources Center and Rhode Island Sea Grant at the Graduate School of Oceanography will outline a process for conducting local vulnerability assessments, links to key state data sets and example adaptation strategies developed through a RI Statewide Planning pilot project.
Click here to see the recording of the webinar.
To access the Resilient Communities Model Process & the North Kingstown Pilot Project please click here.
For a compilation of mapping tools for sea level rise, storm surge and other coastal hazards please see this page.
Do you have comments or thoughts on the need for additional webinars on this topic? Please submit them here.